33-day form rejection from Apex:

“Dear Allison Thai,

Thank you for submitting “Diver” to Apex Magazine. We appreciate the chance to read it. Unfortunately, we don’t feel it is a good fit for us and we’re going to have to pass on it at this time.

Thanks again. Best of luck with this.

Lesley Conner
Managing Editor
Apex Magazine”

So I’m out for the guest issue. (I wonder if editors feed off the energy of submitters constantly checking the queue position.) General submissions will open soon so I’ll still try to take a crack at it. Man, I’m on a (rejection) roll this week.

3 thoughts on “Short Story Rejection #14

    1. I imagine I’ll get many more as I press on. Rejection’s just part of the writing business. I know people who’ve subbed dozens, hundreds of times before they finally get a pro sale. So don’t give up. Tenacity will only help!

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